We had a pretty swell week this week.
Unfortunately, the baptism we had scheduled for Wednesday cancelled... on Tuesday. Hector's mom got sick and so we have postponed the baptism for next week. But he will get baptized regardless so it's alright!
Made a new friend! |
Also we had to let a few investigators go this week, and a few let us go, so it has been a rough one. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel! We brought our investigator Ruben to a baptism for the YSA ward and because the baptizee is Muslim, it's kind of a big deal, so our Mission President and tons of other missionaries were there. Ruben really felt the spirit there and is progressing well toward his baptismal date on the 22nd of July. As well, we set another investigator Carlos for that same date, so we should have a great July!
As well we found a couple more investigators and have tons of appointments set for this next week with potential investigators, so if all goes well we should find a few more soon. This area is great and there is lots of work, but, like every area, it can be frustrating to see so much potential and not be able to tap it.
Elder G and I car selfie. |
Anyways, we also did a lot of biking this week, and it has been pretty fun, and is definitely helping me lose mi barriga.
Also I forgot to mention, last week was transfers but pretty much everyone around me is staying the same. Which is good, because that means I will likely be in this area for 6 months, and at least for 4.5 months.
Cool stuff: We have permission on Tuesday (the 4th) to stay out literally as late as we want as long as we are watching fireworks with members. So we are getting that hooked up and we are gonna have a lit Cuatro de Julio!
There's this scary dog that is always on guard at this one house. He's a Catholic Pitbull.
I am loving it out here and am learning a lot. Not much else to mention, but hope you all have a great week!
There's this scary dog that is always on guard at this one house. He's a Catholic Pitbull.