Lot's of stuff went on this week!
Hector's baptism with the The Chavez Family |
Firstly, we found 6 new investigators, so that's lit. The work is really pickin up! Also, I got to baptize Hector finally! We have been waiting since basically the first month I got to this area to baptize him and it finally came around. And what's great is that his whole Less-Active family was there at church for his dunk and confirmation (which I got to do too lol), and they have been talking about coming back for more time now, so yay! The Gospel Blesses Families!
Also, we had Zone Conference this week. It was so awesome, lot's of things learned! Also, I got to give a little 5 minute talk about Virtue and some missionaries in our zone have been telling me they have been applying some of the things I mentioned in their own lives! If only I knew how to study like I do now in high school!
Sparks Zone Conference |
Posing at Zone Conference |
P-day with fellow Zone members! |
Sharing a ride with Elders Gonzales, Gurr and Torres |
In this branch, we have been really trying to get everyone excited about missionary work. It has taken a while but it seems to be working! An awesome family here just gave us a referral for a family that they have known for 12 years! They are super ready and we are planning on setting them with a baptismal date very soon. Member missionary work yeah! And the whole Give and Get theory with referrals continues!
Trying to stay cool with our AC and two fans. |
We got 3 more this week, and two of them are already new investigators! Funny story about that, the other Elders in the branch thought it was for their area, so they went and taught them, but they are actually in our area, so now they have to give them over.. #whoops
Talk to you all next week!
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