Buenos Dias a todos!
I hope everyone had a great week last week.
Well, some news! I am going to be transferred to Cold Springs/Silver Lake wards in Reno! I will be serving there as a Zone Leader over the Reno North Zone with Elder Coronado! Also, we will be traning a new missionary together in ANOTHER trio! I am super excited for this opportunity to serve and I look forward to seeing what opportunities lay in store! Fun Fact: The Cold Springs and Silver Lake wards is where my trainer, Elder Guzman, went after he left me in Gardnerville/South Lake Tahoe! Super excited!
Elder Palmer will be leaving as well, going to the Truckee River ward in Reno Zone to finish another Elder's training, and Elder Abbott (from the MTC!) will be coming here to be the district leader and to finish Elder Sly's training! WOW!
Pics from our Temple trip |
Out eating with a member |
Ok, so now that that's over, we had a pretty good week this week! We had Juan Callero show up to church, which is an investigator that I have been waiting to come to church since me and Elder Gonzalez were together, so definitely an awesome tender mercy! As well we had Noe come, and the Sanchez Family! They are less-actives in another area but I have taught them a few times and they are so ready to start returning to activity! This branch is doing great, and It's sad to have to leave it, but I know these Elders are going to do great things!
Fall view of Reno |
Elder Palmer is always hurting himself...
Also another awesome thing that happened, this Sunday I finished the Book of Mormon for the second time and Jesus the Christ by James E. Talmage. Sooo, I have written a little testimony. As well I have been studying "The Living Christ" alot, as you will probably be able to tell! Anyways!:
(Taken from my study journal:)
As I conclude the Book of Mormon for the second time and Jesus the Christ for the first, I would like to record my thoughts, impressions, and testimony of Jesus Christ after spending a little more than one year in His service. Before my mission, I had not considered Christ much more than a picture on the wall of our church buildings. It was not until my missionary service that I began to more fully understand the divine purpose and role of the Son of God plays in each of our lives.
I know that in the pre-mortal counsels of heaven, each of us sustained Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten of the Father, to be our Savior, to be the ultimate and spotless sacrifice for every mistake we, as humans, would make in our mortal advent. I know that he was Jehova, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; the God of the Old Testament. I know that that same divine Son of God, who was pre-ordained to be our Savor, was born a humble birth into a mortal body, of a virgin mother, in Bethlehem, as had been prophesied in times of old. I know that he lived a perfect, sinless life, and that he set the example for us in every aspect. Even though He was sinless, He was baptized to show us the way. During his mortal ministry, He established His church and gospel, and called and ordained his apostles to preach it. He loved all and "Went about doing much good." In the Garden of Gethsemane, He alone suffered for ever misdeed, mistake, infirmity, and debility of all mankind. He was thereafter taken prisoner, tried, and condemned unjustly. He was crucified at the hands of wicked men. With His suffering in the garden and on the cross, He atoned for our sins, thereby breaking the bands of spiritual death. Three days later, when he rose from Joseph's tomb and was resurrected, He broke the bands of physical death, giving hope to all mankind that one day we will also be resurrected in perfect form. While His mortal ministry had ended, He still had work to do. He appeared to His disciples in Israel and charged them to preach his gospel to all. He was well appeared to His "Other sheep"(John 10:16) in the Americas, and established His gospel among them just as He has done in the Holy Land. After the long night of apostasy, He and His Father appeared to the boy Joseph Smith, and His gospel and Church were once again restored in fullness to the earth, as had been prophesied. The prophet Joseph testified of Him: "And now, after the many testimonies which have been given of him, this is the testimony, last of all, which we give of him: That he lives!
For we saw him, even on the right hand of God; and we heard the voice bearing record that he is the Only Begotten of the Father."
I add my testimony to that of this latter-day prophet, I know that Jesus is the Christ, and the He dies live, and that we will all live again. I know that He will come again in "power and great glory" to the earth, and that one day we will all stand before Him to be judged of our actions. If they be good, and I ever pray that they may be, we will live in our Father's presence with our families for time and all eternity. The way to eternal happiness is through, and only through, Christ.
"And now, my beloved brethren, I would that ye should come unto Christ, who is the Holy One of Israel, and partake of his salvation, and the power of his redemption. Yea, come unto him, and offer your whole souls as an offering unto him, and continue in fasting and praying, and endure to the end; and as the Lord liveth ye will be saved." Omni 1:26
I humbly testify that Christ is our person Savior, Redeemer, and Enabler. He has taken my meek missionary efforts and turned them into a tool for the salvation of others. He will lift us up, just as he was lifted up on the cross. I know the Lord lives and loved each one of you personally, and of Him I so testify, in His Holy Name, even Jesus Christ, Amen."
Branch prez at Trunk-or-Treat |
Monster trucks in Sparks
Sorry that was so long! Have a great week!
Also! Temple trip, it was the best!