Howdy Howdy Howdy!
Hope everyone's week was sweeter than a grape-candy slush slurped through a sugar coated Twizzler!
Mini Missionary, Future Elder Ogles!
We had a pretty rad week! Ryan and his dad Anthony came to church again, and they continue to be fellow-shipped like crazy! They are set for baptism soon, but we are unsure whether we should postpone it to wait for their mother, so that's what we are working on right now; to see if she really has that desire to follow suit. On Wednesday we had some awesome exchanges. I went with Elder Anderson in his area, which is a biking area, during a monsoon (basically)!
We had an awesome time biking around and had a few awesome lessons. And then, the hour struck. It was 8:20. We had to get home to do an exchange review and pack, home was 2 miles uphill. So we tried to ease the burden by stopping by the bishop's house to see if he would be able to give us a ride in his truck, but he wasn't there so no dice! So we started our journey toward the apartment, and boy oh boy. It was really coming down. I'll spare the bloody details, but imagine a chubby kid biking uphill, soaked to the bone, water splashing into his shoes, upside-down rain going up his nose, a bloody elbow (due to a slip-n-slide type incident), and a broken bike-light. That was pretty much the situation! You would think that anyone who finds themselves in that kind of predicament would be pretty miserable, right? But no! I don't really understand why, but all I could think as we were biking up that hill was "How great is our calling?" Who else gets to go out and serve the Lord and have amazing experiences like that for 2 years? We felt so amazing biking up that hill, Elder Anderson and I were singing hymns!
Now while that was an awesome experience, I did pay for it a little in the form of a nasty cold that kept me in for the majority of Wednesday. #worth
Service Project |
Service Project |
We got to take a 16 y/o from the Carson Stake on a "Mini-Mission"! And guess what? It was Clayton Ogles, who is in the Pinion Hills ward, the first ward I served in! Yay! Small world!
Got to watch the Face to Face broadcast by Elder Oaks and Elder Ballard yesterday. It was mostly geared toward YSA's and there wasn't much that was applicable to missionary work tbh, so that page of my study journal is locked away for another year or so lol.
We have like 10 dinners lined up for thanksgiving already so "Gordito Elder Jones" incoming!
#LIGHTTHEWORLD starts the day after Thanksgiving, and we are super excited to get started with it! Make sure that you watch the video on the 24th and get ready to serve!
Hope everyone has a great week!
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