Hola everycuerpo! Elder Gonzalez and I have had a really great week in Espars! First off I am 20 years old now and that is really weird to say. But yeah! Also, we set 3 investigators with baptismal dates this week and I am super pumped!
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Some final pics from Tahoe before making the move to Sparks. |
Victor y Zulma is a son/mother and are super pineapples. Elder Gonzalez has probably written about them before, but basically Victor (22) has a really close friend who recently served his mission, so when Victor saw some missionaries walking around on the street, he just went straight up to them and told them he wanted to take the lessons! Zulma is his mother, and as well is just trying to find the truth. She has been baptised 3 times in different religions, though, so she really wants to make sure that this is true before she does it again. We recently decided to do a church tour with them, as they had been super close to choosing a baptismal date. We figured the Spirit in the chapel would be the tipping point, and we were right! Unfortunately, we were on exchanges, so the duty fell on Elder Torres and Elder Gonzalez to ask the question for them to be baptised; the 10th of June. But they did it with confidence and Victor said of course, and Zulma said yes, if she receives an answer. So we will keep at it and help her to fully know. So we are mega excited to see how they progress.
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My new work area in the Sparks apartment. |
Yesterday was my first time having an all Spanish church session. It was great! We had a couple investigators there, so we got to accompany them to everything and help explain what was going on, since, for one of them, it was his first time ever at church with us! It is incredible how much my Spanish has been improving. Like seriously it has boosted my testimony so much of the gift of tongues (being able to speak and understand languages extra well through the help of the Spirit), as whenever I am in a serious lesson situation where the Spirit is in abundance, my Spanish doubly increases. It’s great, and we are doing more and more in Spanish every day to remain able to receive those blessings. Also, it has been a lot of fun meeting all of the new people in this ward, and getting used to all the new faces.
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Group shot from the Zone Conference in Sparks. |
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My new companion Elder Gonzalez and me at Zone Conference. |
Last Wednesday, we had Zone Conference, where the whole zone got to meet together and have some trainings by President Chesnut, the assistants, and some other people. It was lots of fun, and it's always great getting to see President and Sister Chesnut. This next District Meeting (Tuesday), I am going to be giving a short training on boldness, so I have been studying (and practicing) for that! Samuel The Lamanite is an inspiration to us all.
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A quick bite to eat with Elder Torres and Elder Gurr. That's Elder Gonzalez and me in the foreground. |
We also had some awesome exchanges with Elder Torres (my new District Leader who I knew pretty well back in the Carson Zone) and Elder Gurr. I was with Elder Gurr, which is crazy, because I hadn't spent that much time with him since the MTC. It was great to get to catch up on everything since then and see how we have both grown so much as missionaries since then. Also to see how much I've grown in the lonjas (rolls).
Speaking of, I am ending my anti-diet and starting my real diet this week. I am actually mega excited because this past week I forced myself to eat like a pig and it disgusted me (which was the plan), so now I am super excited to start running in the morning and eating much better. #16MonthsToSexy
Anyway, hope everyone had a good one. Nos vemos!
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