Had a really great week the last few weeks! Emailing on phones means I can't send a blog though, so sorry!
Evening over North Reno |
North Reno sunset |
Stephanie Sauerberg (Smith) was baptized 2 weeks ago, and it was awesome! Great ward support, and the confirmation was pretty special as well. We also started teaching her close friend Jennifer, and she (and soon her daughters, too) is set on baptismal date for late June! She even posted about it on Facebook after the lesson!
Activity day pics |
We had a killer zone activity last week! We went to a members home in North Reno, and played volleyball, carved watermelons, and grilled! Super fun, and such a blast! Probably the most fun zone activity I've ever been to, and I am totally not biased ;)!
Service work |
Exchanges |
Went on some great exchanges in the Marina with Elder Steck. We biked around and had tons of fun contacting people like all day. Also, I might have jumped off a curb, almost hit a parked car, and then fallen over on my face! But its ok, all is well, and we got a cool street contact out of it! Oh yeah!
Not much else to report! Extra pictures, though!
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