Wednesday we had interviews with the entire zone. Something our mission does is the Zone Leaders interview every companionship of the zone for 30 minutes, so we're basically there as long as President is haha. It was a lot of fun, and I learned so much being able to minister to so many people. A few of the interviews were very powerful as well, as we had to help a companionship or two overcome some issues. The Spirit was definitely felt! One thing I learned from serving in this capacity these last few transfers is that as we minister (or attend to the needs of another) to those around us, we need to do it 1 by 1, and do it with love. We must show them we love them before we offer any suggestions for improvement. Noticing good qualities and skills is far more important and valuable that noticing flaws. When corrections need occur, however, they should be done gently and with love, and by the Spirit! I am so grateful I can be here in the Nevada, Reno Mission and learn so much from this sacred calling as a missionary!
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Elder Torres and myself out and about. |
On a less "sacred" note, we almost were destroyed by an attack rooster this week.
On Friday, we were biking around Cold Springs when we came across this one Less-Actives house.
We go to turn in the driveway, and we see a very stoic, very ominous rooster standing in the middle of the driveway like a statue. So we get off our bikes and go up towards the door, but the rooster starts to get a little defensive and coming towards us slowly, so we keep our distance and make a plan. We have heard from some members how deadly these things can be(razor-sharp talons and what-not), so I didn't want to take any chances. I started getting it's attention and kiting it over to me a little, and then Elder Torres snuck behind and went to knock on the door. He didn't get more than a few bangs in before that satan-bird turns around and starts slowly joggin towards him. As the avian-from-heck starts to get closer, he puffs up his feathers all big like (his jimmies had been thoroughly rustled) and starts making weird attack-rooster noises. It jumps up on the porch right next to Elder Torres, so he get spooked and starts kinda running around it toward me, and the little feller knows its on, so he starts picking up the pace to chase of my companion lol. So we high-tail it to our bikes and get outta there before that Chicken-Devil got out it's twelve-gauge.
So that's pretty much been our week! Keeping real busy and seeing miracles! Hope everyone has a good one! Love you all!
(sorry, I forgot my camera, more pics next week!)
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