We found another investigator in South Lake Tahoe, and yes, he is weird! How did you know? Jeff was the guy that showed up drunk to church a few weeks ago and has been attending regularly since. We went and had a really interesting talk on the snowy beach in Tahoe about his life and what not. He is a very interesting gentleman, but he did seem genuinely interested in our church, so we will see where it goes. We were kind of interrupted in the middle of our talk because apparently we witnessed a very old sailboat sinking in the water nearby. Apparently Jeff had seen that sailboat many times before, and was quite distraught to witness it's passing. We sang "God Be With You 'Till We Meet Again" as we saluted the sinking vessel. Not really, Jeff's Catholic, he doesn't know that one.
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Spending quality time with Elder Leon |
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Elder Jarnagin and myself studying scripture |
Last week has kind of me just being a klutz. I was frying some salmon and accidentally splashed some hot oil onto my arm, so I have some gnarly burns on my arm. Also I cut my leg getting out of the car last Friday.
Elder Jarnagin lost his card that let's him drive so for a couple days I have been driving. I've only hit like 3 cats so I would say all in all I'm not doing too bad.
Elder Jarnagin and I also deep-cleaned the house last week. Apparently it was motivated by a mouse-sighting by Elder Jarnagin. His name is Stewart. But we haven't seen Stew since then so maybe he booked it after eating all of my peanut butter. The house is looking pretty spiffy right about now though, and it helps relieve the stress a little when there isn't random food from old missionaries everywhere. Cleanliness is next to Jesusliness.
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Carson Zone conference with President Chestnut |
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Another pic from Zone conference |
Been having a good time and have been learning lots about the gospel. I am preparing a talk about member missionary work so it’s been an interesting learning process. Also the Spanish is coming along nicely. I don't actually use it super often, but when I do people don't flinch anymore, so that's a good sign I think! #NoMoreMrWhiteGuy
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Site of our recent off-roading shortcut |
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Posing at sunset |
Had a pretty fun week this week! We had Zone conference and got to learn a lot from President Chestnut. Also our car was inspected so that was nice. We had to do some off-roading and it was a pretty good time. We literally forded a river because we are trying to save our miles lol. So we cut across another huge off-roading park, and this one included a little stream. Thank goodness for 4x4!
We have been working with a family up in Tahoe and they are doing very well. We will be seeing them and another family this week and we are going to try to set them with baptismal dates.
Not much else been going on. It's not super busy up here right now, we are just trying to find some more investimagators.
I have a joke that I would really like to share.
Que le dijo la wera a la otra wera? Werare joo?
Nos vemos gabachos! Have a great week everyone!